
The name pilates comes from joseph h. pilates. Born on december 9, 1883 and died on october 9th 1967 he immigrated to america from germany. He believed his approach to total well-being should be embraced by all, and as a result developed a movement system. Originally called contrology this system of movement was not only found to improve strength and flexibility in the body but mental conditioning as well

Benefits of Pilates:
  • Improved strength and flexibility
  • The ability to stabilize your own body weight
  • Change your physical appearance through exercise
  • Re-align and improve posture
  • Experience increased energy and stamina
  • Reduce stress thus boosting the immune system
  • Improved sleep
  • A heightened sense of awareness in the body
  • Improved clarity of mind/body sequencing, leading to a more stress-free and balanced lifestyle.

Pilates recognized that physical and mental health are completely dependent upon one another and wanted to pass this knowledge on for everyone to experience.

In order to do this, it was crucial to unveil a client’s individual needs, and allow the Pilates method to adjust accordingly to every individual. In working with such varied client needs, the Pilates method has proven to be easily individualized. (Clients from all backgrounds, i.e. athletes to post trauma injury clients benefit from his life’s work.)

While exercising ones natural ranges of motion, a Pilates instructor can guide a client to find a centering of alignment, through concentration of breath, precision, and flow, helping a client to find pure bio-mechanics and a better sense of ease in their bodies.

Pilates student testimonial

“My time with Lori has proven to be not only personally gratifying but she has transformed my body. I am able to do things I never dreamed I would be able to do again.
There are many things that truly can and do affect our lives. Simply, my last 9 months with Lori League has been one of them.
My story begins 30 years ago.  Living with a spinal cord injury resulting from a childhood accident and cycling accident as an adult.  Now I’m limited in what I can do but I’m not broken.  Since my surgery and physical therapy I’ve gone from a wheelchair to a walker to a cane all with the determination to not give up.  I have been in and out of physical therapies for the last 7 years.  It was suggested by my doctor to try a more specialized training like pilates.
I have found Pilates to be extremely hard and one of the biggest challenges I have had so far.  In my situation you really have to put your trust in the right person.  You really wouldn’t want anyone that wasn’t a PMA Certified Pilates instructor with a minimum of 5 years’ experience. My improvements so far have been.  I have gained fantastic Core strength.  Hyperextension in my left knee eliminated.  My gate is smoother no more slapping my foot.  Greater depth perception not lost in space.  I can take the floor without a chair, can roll over and stand up from either side. Stronger foot & toe strength.  It took me months before I could hold the foot bar. My severe back pain is diminished. Due to the constant fascia muscle stretching, it’s keeping the tethering at bay.
I have become addicted to how well I feel, how strong my core has become and how I have seen others grow and strengthen under her care. Her ability to vocalize and demonstrate enables you to picture the way Pilates is supposed to be done.  Her ability to get you to do things you thought were impossible is even more astonishing! She can watch your body and know it’s ready to move on even when your mind doubts it.  I am looking forward to future improvements with gratitude.”  – Polly Jones, Student